Saturday 8 November 2008

don't read this post if you don't like toilet jokes

Hello, hello.
It's been quite a while since I've written in this... again. I've been meaning to post this story all week. Here it goes.
I think about a week ago (maybe a couple days short) I woke up, hung over, and had to ...poop. BAD. It was an emergency to where I had to throw some shorts on and run to the toilet IMMEDIATELY. So I walk in, and other than frantically ripping my pants down and destroying the inside of the toilet, I notice that the seat is broken (not the part you sit on, the top that closes the toilet.) Anyway, this shit is absolutely fucking gross. Maybe one of the worst I've ever taken (I'm not just exaggerating for this story). It was so awful. As I'm finishing up, I see someone trying to get into the bathroom I'm in but realize that I've locked it. I didn't think anything of it. So I finish up eventually and go back into my room to grab my backpack, because I have class. As I'm leaving I see a guy in the bathroom with his head over the toilet, gagging and shit and breathing all funny (because I was just in there)... but he's there to fix the toilet seat! If he had gone in just a minute earlier, he wouldn't of had to directly smell the horrific shit I took . And I know he hated me. I walked outside and burst into laughter. You sort of had to see the way this guy looked hovering over the shitter, coughing and his face all red and stuff. He actually was trying to hard to pull his head away and fix the seat at the same time. I only caught a glimpse for a quick second, but I saw it clearly nonetheless.
I'm rich

1 comment:

Ross said...

i was laughing reading the whole thing, and then almost died during the part where you said......... "im rich"